One Year of Free Yogurtland for Winners of the Ultimate "Top This" Challenge

(Irvine, CA) For Yogurtland fans who like to pile, style, and go the full mile with toppings on mounds of frozen yogurt, now is the time to show your stuff. Today Yogurtland kicks off the ultimate Top This Challenge, inviting guests to use Instagram to showcase their topping skills for a chance to win free frozen yogurt for a Year.

Yogurtland guests are encouraged to literally play with their food by coming up with most colorful, patterned, abstract and clever frozen yogurt monuments they can imagine. Those who rise to the occasion by making giant self-served frozen works of art can post their creations to Instagram using the hashtag #YLTOPTHIS for a chance to win a year of free Yogurtland frozen yogurt. Yogurtland is also introducing its Snapchat channel, and fans are encouraged to share the making of their creation with Yogurtland at @yogurtlandinc.

Yogurtland’s Top This Challenge runs through Nov. 8 and features four categories – Most Decadent, Most Fruit-a-Licious, Most Whimsical and Most Colossal.

“We think yogurt toppings are a reflection of our culinary and artistic creativity, and we can’t wait to see our fans’ inspired creations,” said Scott Shoemaker, Yogurtland’s chief flavorologist.

To give fans a solid flavor foundation for their creative topping efforts, Yogurtland is introducing two new flavors – Chocolate Truffle and Vanilla Malt. All locations will be serving these flavors along with Fresh Strawberry throughout the topping challenge.

Using only real cocoa sourced directly from Europe, the velvety and decadent sensation from Yogurtland’s new Chocolate Truffle frozen yogurt will leave chocolate lovers with a lasting impression difficult to forget.

As the perfect complement to any topping, Yogurtland brings guests back to that glorious aroma and smoothness of vanilla flavor frozen yogurt with their creation Vanilla Malt.

The Yogurtland Difference

At Yogurtland, a modern, bright wall of flavors and a colorful appealing topping bar filled with healthful and indulgent options welcomes guests. Paying by the ounce, guests can choose daily among 16 yogurt flavors and more than 60 fruit and premium toppings to create their own delicious frozen treat and top it off their way.

Separating Yogurtland from competitors is the company’s team of flavorologists who develop the proprietary recipes for the brand’s more than 100 different and customized flavors. Whether traditional or exotic, each flavor uses real ingredients sourced from their original locations. By controlling the entire frozen yogurt making process, Yogurtland has raised the standards for flavors and quality to new heights and much to the delight of millions of fans.

Naturally occurring calcium makes Yogurtland yogurt a healthful, refreshing treat. Fruit flavors are also fortified with Vitamin C. All of Yogurtland’s flavors meet the National Yogurt Association Criteria for “live and active culture frozen yogurt” and are produced in a kosher-certified facility. Yogurtland features non- and low-fat yogurt flavors as well as non-dairy and no sugar added choices.

Presently there are Yogurtland locations across the U.S., Australia, Guam, Thailand, Venezuela and Dubai. For more information, visit   Follow Yogurtland on social media – FacebookInstagramSnapchat and Twitter.

Lucky Irish Mint
Smooth, creamy and decadent with a bright touch of real mint.
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